Damien LaRocque

Damien LaRocque

A blog by Damien LaRocque

Artificial Intelligence Resources

Learning resources for anyone interested in the vast domain of AI

· · 2min · Damien LaRocque

Here is a slightly curated list of learning resources and useful links in Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence and related topics. For resources on robotics, visit the robotics resources post. If you have other great resources to suggest, feel free to contact me.

Deep Learning


Diffusion models

Reinforcement Learning

Legged Robotics

Computer Vision

Object Detection



Artificial Intelligence Resources

Robotics Resources

Learning resources for anyone starting in robotics

· · 2min · Damien LaRocque
The robot of Team Chat Robotique in the 2023 French Robotics Cup

Here is a slightly curated list of learning resources and useful links in robotics. For resources on AI, visit the AI resources post. If you have other great resources to suggest, feel free to contact me.



Robot Operating System

Robot Operating System (ROS) is a commonly used open-source robotics middleware. Please note: there is a space in ROS 2: ROS 2.

A new ROS 2 distribution is released every year on May 23rd, the World Turtle Day. Each distro is related to a release of Ubuntu. Here are the names of the last distributions, with their corresponding Ubuntu versions:

<figcaption class="mb-4">
    Ubuntu, ROS and ROS 2 timeline

Official resources:


Legged Robots

  • RSL RL, a library with RL algorithms for legged robotics, from the Robotic Systems Lab (RSL), Prof. Dr. Marco Hutter, ETH Zurich

Robot Learning

  • LeRobot, a low-cost robotics project by HuggingFace, for accessible end-to-end robot learning
  • Robot Learning Course, course material for Marc Toussaint's and Wolfgang Hönig's Robot Learning course in TU Berlin.


  • Genesis, a generative simulation tool for robotics


Autonomous Driving

Robotics Resources

Christmas Tree PCB

· 2min · Damien LaRocque
A rendering of the PCB, in KiCad.

Towards the end of 2023, in preparation for the holidays, I designed and soldered about twenty small Christmas tree 🎄 PCBs to give to my relatives. During this year's holidays, I took advantage of some free time to clean up and prepare the project to publish it as an open-source hardware project on GitHub.

Assembled PCB


This project taught me the basics of ATtiny microcontroller programming (via UPDI), PCB art, and SMD components soldering. I hope this project inspire anyone interested in #hardware, #embedded #programming, and #electronics. If you're interested in making one for next year, I wrote down all the tips and tricks for making your own Christmas tree PCB in an instruction guide.

This project was made with the following free and open-source software:

  • FreeCAD for the outline
  • Inkscape for the PCB art
  • KiCad for the design of the PCB
  • PlatformIO for embedded programming


{ "images": [ { "src": "images/rendering.png", "title": "Rendering"}, { "src": "images/front.png", "title": "Front layer"}, { "src": "images/back.png", "title": "Back layer"}, { "src": "images/sketch.png", "title": "Tree Outline in FreeCAD"}, { "src": "images/pcb-layout.png", "title": "PCB layout in KiCAD"} ] }


For more info,

Christmas Tree PCB

Proprioception Is All You Need: Terrain Classification for Boreal Forests

· 3min · Damien LaRocque

My paper, Proprioception Is All You Need: Terrain Classification for Boreal Forests, will be presented in the 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024), in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The paper presents BorealTC : a publicly available dataset containing annotated data from a wheeled UGV for various mobility-impeding terrain types typical of the boreal forest. The data was acquired in winter and spring on deep snow and silty loam, two uncommon terrains in an urban setting.

Here is the abstract:

Recent works in field robotics highlighted the importance of resiliency against different types of terrains. Boreal forests, in particular, are home to many mobility-impeding terrains that should be considered for off-road autonomous navigation. Also, being one of the largest land biomes on Earth, boreal forests are an area where autonomous vehicles are expected to become increasingly common. In this paper, we address the issue of classifying boreal terrains by introducing BorealTC, a publicly available dataset for proprioceptive-based terrain classification (TC). Recorded with a Husky A200, our dataset contains 116 min of Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), motor current, and wheel odometry data, focusing on typical boreal forest terrains, notably snow, ice, and silty loam. Combining our dataset with another dataset from the literature, we evaluate both a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and the novel state space model (SSM)-based Mamba architecture on a TC task. We show that while CNN outperforms Mamba on each separate dataset, Mamba achieves greater accuracy when trained on a combination of both. In addition, we demonstrate that Mamba’s learning capacity is greater than a CNN for increasing amounts of data. We show that the combination of two TC datasets yields a latent space that can be interpreted with the properties of the terrains. We also discuss the implications of merging datasets on classification. Our source code and dataset are publicly available online: https://github.com/norlab-ulaval/BorealTC.


For this paper, a ClearPath Husky A200 was driven on 5 different terrains:

{ "images": [ { "src": "iros2024-figures/terrains/husky-asphalt.jpg", "title": "Asphalt"}, { "src": "iros2024-figures/terrains/husky-flooring.jpg", "title": "Flooring"}, { "src": "iros2024-figures/terrains/husky-ice.jpg", "title": "Ice"}, { "src": "iros2024-figures/terrains/husky-loam.jpg", "title": "Silty Loam"}, { "src": "iros2024-figures/terrains/husky-snow.jpg", "title": "Snow"} ] }


For more info,

Proprioception Is All You Need: Terrain Classification for Boreal Forests



· 2min · Damien LaRocque
Spip is the pet squirrel of Spirou and Fantasio, in the eponym comic book series. Spip gave its name to a satellite built in Charleroi, Belgium.

When I talked about my new website to my friend William Guimont-Martin, he immediately had one thing in mind:


So, here are my best squirrel photos. They were taken on May 20th, 2024, in Marais du Nord (46°57'35"N 71°23'35"W).

{ "images": [ { "src": "20240520-squirrels/20240520_165147.png"}, { "src": "20240520-squirrels/20240520_135736.png"}, { "src": "20240520-squirrels/20240520_164153.png"}, { "src": "20240520-squirrels/20240520_164155.png"}, { "src": "20240520-squirrels/20240520_164158.png"}, { "src": "20240520-squirrels/20240520_164227.png"}, { "src": "20240520-squirrels/20240520_164229.png"}, { "src": "20240520-squirrels/20240520_164359.png"}, { "src": "20240520-squirrels/20240520_164530.png"}, { "src": "20240520-squirrels/20240520_164532.png"} ] }