Artificial Intelligence Resources
Damien LaRocque

Here is a slightly curated list of learning resources and useful links in Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence and related topics. For resources on robotics, visit the robotics resources post. If you have other great resources to suggest, feel free to contact me.
Deep Learning
Convolutional Neural Networks
- LeNet
- AlexNet
- GoogLeNet
- Paper
- Inspired the Inception architectures:
- ResNet
- Common versions of the architecture: ResNet-50, ResNet-101
- Inspired ResNeXt
- ConvNeXt
- CS25 - Transformers United, a Standford lecture on Transformers
Diffusion models
- Diffusion is spectral autoregression
- Denoising diffusion probabilistic models from first principles, a tutorial series on diffusion models in Julia
Computer Vision
- CS231n - Deep Learning for Computer Vision, a Stanford CS class on using deep learning for computer vision tasks.
Geospatial learning
- Blog article on
- Blog article on
Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, by Sutton & Barto
David Silver Lectures are a good introductory course.
reinforcement-learning, a GitHub repo by Denny Britz to accompany Sutton's Book and David Silver's course
OpenAI SpinningUp gives a general overview
Stable Baselines, a RL library developed by the DLR Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics (DLR-RM)
Legged Robotics
- RSL RL, a RL library with algorithms, from the Robotic Systems Lab (RSL), Prof. Dr. Marco Hutter, ETH Zurich
Toy Datasets
- Iris
- Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset
- Wine Dataset
- Ames Housing Dataset
- FashionMNIST
- AutoMPG
- ImageNet
- CIFAR datasets
Object Detection
- MAN TruckScenes, World's First Public Dataset For Autonomous Trucking
- Challenge on HuggingFace Spaces